Petit Princesse

««Quem escreve constrói um castelo, e quem lê passa a habita-lo»»

27 January 2007


«Meet me in outer space.
WE could spend the night;
watch the earth come up.
I've grown tired of that place;
won't you come with me?
We could start again.

How do you do it

Make me feel like I do.
How do you do it
It's better than I ever knew.

Meet me in outer space.
I will hold you close, if you're afraid of heights.
I need you to see this place, it
might be the only way

that I can show you how
it feels to be inside of you.

How do you do it
Make me feel like I do.
How do you do it

It's better than I ever knew.
You are stellar.»

Tlhgl gv *


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