O meu mp3 diz:
How does the world see me? I caught fire --- The Used
Sou fogo :) loool
Will I have a happy life? Don’t cha wanna ride --- Joss Stone
Hum… tenho k apanhar boleia da vida para ser feliz…
What do people think of me? Buried myself alive --- The Used
É bem.. lol… acham k me vou enterrar… lol
Do people secretly lust after me? Everytime --- Simple Plan
Decididamente isto não ta a correr bem.. lol
How can I make myself happy? On my own --- The Used
Sem duvida k por mim própria…
What should I do with my life? Too far gone --- The All American Rejects
Tenho de ir de ferias.. hehe
Will I ever have children? Untitled --- Simple Plan
Nem eu responderia melhor…
What is some good advice for me? Disappear --- Hoobastank
Sem comentarios…
adoro esta musica!!
What do I think my current theme song is? Again --- Lenny Kravitz
:o Lol.. completamente verdade!
What song will play at my funeral? Angel Dust --- Di-Retc
What type of men do you like? Blue and yellow --- The Used
Azul e amarelo???...
“And it's all in how you mix the two,
And it starts just where the light exists.
It's a feeling that you cannot miss,
And it burns a hole,
through everyone that feels it.”
What is my day going to be like? Cada vez mais aqui --- Toranja
Sim sim sim…
Why am I here? Can get you of my mind --- Lenny Kravitz
Não confirmo nem desminto…
What will people remember me for? Carta --- Toranja
“É que hoje acordei e lembrei-me
sou mago feiticeiro
que a minha bola de cristal é folha de papel” :)
What song will get stuck in my head tomorrow? Cool without you --- Di-Retc
Axo que não… penso que sim… :/
Are there people outside waiting to take me away? ‘Cause to love you --- Fingertips
Ah ah… k piada!!!
(hope so!!! Lool)
What will this year be all about? Fim --- Toranja
“Na minha casa de paredes caídas
penduro espelhos cor de prata
guardo reflexos do canto que mata
guardo uma arca de rimas perdidas”
What song will be played on my wedding? Fogo e noite --- Toranja
Lool… espero que o meu casamento seja assim…
For what would I kill someone? Hard to say --- The Used
Boa resposta… ninguém precisa de ter medo!! lol
What is the most precious in my room? It ends tonight --- The All American Rejects
?? o fim da noite? Só se for acompanhada… lol
With what song I’m feeling asleep? Right to be wrong --- Joss Stone
Podia ser…
With what song I’m gonna lose/I lost my virginity? Lados Errados --- Toranja
What will be my last thought before I die? Landing in London --- 3 Doors Down
Musica linda mas Londres??? Naaaa… lol
What is the best song to describe my school mates? Letters to you --- Finch
“I miss you…”
I feel so… Nada --- Toranja
Best song to describe my hidden sexuality? Lips of an Angel --- Hinder
Sem comentários… lol
Of what am I afraid? Noises and Kisses --- The Used
Medo??? Lool … muito pelo contrario, quanto mais melhor!!!
My favourite quote… Teu mundo --- Toranja
Lol… talvez o meu pensamento preferido neste momento!!!
I like to… Perfect --- Simple Plan
Falta o BE atrás do perfect… :P
I wanna… Spoiled --- Joss Stone
Lol.. mais uma vez falta o BE… e kero… muito!!!
Me…Anthem of our dying day --- Story Of The Year
Simplesmente eu…
At 5:50 PM,
W said…
:) algumas estão giras. e andas a ouvir toranja :P ;)
At 4:56 PM,
styska said…
este jogo é mesmo engraçado! =) eheh
e olha toranja... =D tou a ver q gostaste do cd q te dei =P
beijo grande*
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